Presently, EPIC does not permit

        /QUOTE ISON
        /QUOTE WHO
        /QUOTE NICK
        /QUOTE QUIT

for various technical reasons which are included at the bottom of this
email.  Various people have asked me to rescind these restrictions and
allow the full unfettered use of all of the above.  However, the use of
the above is fraught with peril, and will result in undefined behavior 
up to and including crashing, which I accept as "normal" behavior.

Therefore, it is proposed that all restrictions on prohibition of /quote
be removed, and in place of a hard restrction, an ominous warning along
the lines of "doing this will break your client.  you have been warned"
will be output instead.  Any behavior whatsoever, up to and including crashing,
would be considered "normal behavior" resultnig from the above.  Crashes 
resulting from the use of the above will not be considered bugs.


/QUOTE ISON, /QUOTE USERHOST, and /QUOTE WHO interfere with epic's built
in ison/userhost/who queue.  If you do /quote the above, epic may malfunction
in the following ways:

        1) Notify may stop working
        2) Userhost caching may stop working
        3) /USERHOST -CMD may stop working
        4) /WHO -LINE may stop working
        5) /DCC CLOSE may stop sending DCC REJECTs
        6) Numerics for ison, userhost, and who may stop working

/QUOTE NICK interferes with epic's built in nickname tracking, which attempts
to ensure that epic always knows what your "real" nickname is.  If you do
/quote nick, epic may malfunction in the following ways:

        1) The status bar may stop working
        2) Further nick changes may be dishonored

/QUOTE QUIT interferes with epic's built in reconnection strategies.  Since
EPIC5 doesn't attempt to do anything when you're disconnected, this is probably
OK to change, and I don't object to it.

/QUOTE SERVER is a violation of the rfc protocol 4.1.4:

        The SERVER message must only be accepted from either 
        (a) a connection which is yet to be registered and is 
            attempting to register as a server, or 
        (b) an existing connection to another server, in  which 
            case the SERVER message is introducing a new server 
            behind that server.

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