Mr Schwimmer,

I'd like to address your comments below in the light of censorship.

On 22-Jan-99 Martin B. Schwimmer wrote:
>>My god they can't even keep anything as blatently illegal as kiddie
>>porn and beastiality off the net. What make you think an international
>>treaty is going to affect anything.
> Who is they?
> Do you think that the lack of requiring verifiable (didn't say verified)
> identity information when registering a domain name has anything to do with
> the ease with which folk can establish porn sites?  I do.

We are not talking about Porn or "adult site" the comment was about Kiddie
Porn, a completely different matter entirely, thank you.
> there is a lot of talk about the "public interest" on these lists.  The
> public interest here has come to mean the rights of DN holders to not get
> sued by the (pause for demonization effect) TM interests.

We have seen two attempts just in the last month where this was the case. 
Public opinion and pressue is the only thing that kept them from being abused
further by the trademark holders.
> Another public interest that seldom gets advocated here is the right of the
> public to be protected from porn sites which use the trademarks of others
> to generate traffic.

If they are using trademarks in a way that is unlawful, the courts have a means
for this to be dealt with.  If it isn't illegal, then what is the problem?   If
it is illegal, the courts will deal with it.  Where is the problem?
> Yes, an international treaty will mean something because then the mechanism
> of enforcement will not be jawboning by NTIA but will be the law.
> Richard, I'm not blaming you personally for the prevalence of kiddie porn
> or bestiality on the Internet.
> p.s. People like porn and no regulatory mechanism will prevent it.  I have
> no illusions that identity verification and other procedures would ever do
> much more than slightly dent illegal activities of that nature.


E-Mail: William X. Walsh <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: 22-Jan-99
Time: 14:07:42

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