Sorry, forgot to copy this to this list.


-----Original Message-----
Of Antony Van Couvering
Sent: Friday, January 22, 1999 12:10 AM
Cc: DNSO participant's list; [EMAIL PROTECTED]; ORSC; IATLD Members list
Subject: Quick Take on "closed" meeting

Einar Steffarud wrote,

> I am still in California, but Jay and Mikki are planning to attend
> that closed meeting, in part to be sure that what happens there is
> make public, or if it is "not for attribution" and "secret" to make
> sure the public knows which and what happened.  Bering present does
> not in any way indicate any kind of endorsement by ORSC or its
> pariticpants, in or out of that meeting.
> Inded, we understand that certain DNSO.ORG interests are trying to bar
> Mikki Marry from attending.  So, it will be interesting to see what
> happens.  And, I assure you that we wil not remain silent.
> Cheers...\Stef

I attended the meeting, and took copious notes.  I was planning to publish
the minutes tonight, before the open Friday meeting, but I'm completely
bushed and I don't know if I'll be able to.  If not, they'll appear in a
couple of days.

Short version: Nothing was decided, there was little or no debate until the
very end, it was run by a professional facilitator who treated the whole
thing a bit like marriage counseling.  Which in a way I suppose it was.

We started with presentations by DNSO.ORG (Amadeu Abril i Abril), INTA
(Michael Heltzer), ORSC (Jay Fenello) and AIP (Assocation of Internet
Professionals, which came forward with an 11th-hour draft application,
presented by Bret Fausett).  I won't describe these except to say that they
were not long, and used a broad brush.  The presenters then took questions.

Coffee break.

Then we were asked to indentify major issues (funding, incorporation or not,
membership structure, relationship to ICANN, various other obvious targets),
then we took a series of straw polls about what we thought about these
issues.  The results were unsurprising: everyone agreed that the mission of
the DNSO was to recommend policies to ICANN; most people thought that it
would be better if the DNSO was not incorporated as a separate legal entity;
they were much more divided on whether the DNSO should, for decision-making,
use a consensus model (with the Names Council managing the consensus of the
constituencies and/or membership), or a representative democracy model (the
members elect a Names Council, which makes most of the decisions -- with
proper review and consultation with the members, etc. etc.).  There were a
couple of other questions as well, and I'll include the polling in my notes.

The last part of the meeting was spent refining the agenda for the next day,
finding out how many proposals there were to be presented, how much time
there would be for presentations, "interventions", and questions/comments.

There was a cocktail afterwards and there was a good mixing among the
attendees.  No huddling in separate corners.  Lively and cordial
conversation gave hope that attendees were exploring a way forward.  "Oh,
we're all here, they're not, we're in, they're out, let's screw them" was
*not* heard.

Many of the participants I talked to realized it was probably a mistake to
have a closed meeting; but for all that, it was the first time all of these
people had got together in one room, and that must be rated as an
accomplishment.  Nothing was decided, nor did anyone force a decision; those
who had feared and mistrusted each other met and were friendly; there was to
me an air in the room of acceptance that everyone had to somehow get
together on the DNSO -- all accomplishments.

So there's an early report.


P.S. I didn't hear anything about an attempt to bar Mikki Barry, but in any
case she was there.

> -----Original Message-----
> Sent: Thursday, January 21, 1999 2:01 PM
> To: Antony Van Couvering
> Cc: Dr Eberhard W Lisse; Michael Sondow; Kent Crispin; [EMAIL PROTECTED];
> Subject: Re: icc comments in text
> I am still in California, but Jay and Mikki are planning to attend
> that closed meeting, in part to be sure that what happens there is
> make public, or if it is "not for attribution" and "secret" to make
> sure the public knows which and what happened.  Bering present does
> not in any way indicate any kind of endorsement by ORSC or its
> pariticpants, in or out of that meeting.
> Inded, we understand that certain DNSO.ORG interests are trying to bar
> Mikki Marry from attending.  So, it will be interesting to see what
> happens.  And, I assure you that we wil not remain silent.
> Cheers...\Stef
> >From your message Thu, 21 Jan 1999 12:44:56 -0500:
> }
> }Stef,
> }
> }While the sentiment is laudable, I do need to note for the
> record that you
> }are indeed participating in a closed meeting, today in Washington.
> }
> }Antony
> }

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