At 09:01 PM 2/2/99 -0700, you wrote:
>Ok, so now it seems that we can't even run a mailing list
>program.   The headers are constantly changing and this
>is recking havoc with various filters.
>Lets get this fixed.

1) If you have a problem, you should talk to me; send me
mail to [EMAIL PROTECTED] Asking the list at
large to fix the list, is reasonably futile.

2) To fix a problem, I need to know what it is. "The
headers keep changing" is not a problem, it's a symptom
of the fact the list moved from server to server
and from one mailing list package to another. 

2) Damn is spelled "damn" not "damm". :-)

Don't bother me. I'm living happily ever after.

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