At 08:40 AM 2/26/99 +0800, Dave Crocker wrote:
>NSI chose to fund people who are vigorous opponents to proposals on the 

I'm a little confused here Dave, NSI sent me to Singapore and Geneva;
what proposal on the table was I antagonistic of? Jon's plan ? 

Would if be fair to say you wre antagonostic of the ORSC plan. You
cetainly seemed to be upset about the model we presented in Singapore
that, when explained, Randy Bush, Prof. Chon, Bernie Turcotte and Don
Telage all bought into. 

That covers a lot of idealogical camps. Adam has all this on videotape.

The point though, was these meetings were supposed to achieve some sort
of compromise. Of course there was a polarized crowd, if there wasn't
the meetings would not have been held.

>and not others.  NSI did not make public that it would offering funding, so 
>there was opportunity for others to seek that assistance.
>So why did those who got money get it and others not?

The same question I have of CORE.

Are we to believe nobodys expenses got covered by CORE's $800,000.00
sluch fund ? Why was this not made public? Why did they only sponsor
the poeple they did and not others ? True, I did not ask CORE for
funding, but neither did you ask NSI for funding.

Neither did I actually. So I guess I can't complain. Wait, yes I can,
NSI: please don't call so damn early. Wait till Mickey's little hand
is picking his nose.

Don't bother me. I'm living happily ever after.

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