
Of course people opposed IAHC; lots of them did a lot of people
thought it was a really bad plan to the point of thinking it
was the worst thing that could ever happen to the Internet
including your former boss and the guy that invented the DNS.

There were other plans to expand the DNS, introduce competition
and you and your crowd opposed them. No doubt you thought it
was the worst thing that could ever happen to the Internet.

It seems pretty natural to me that people oppose things that
they don't like. What's the difference ? "Dave's right and
everybody else is wrong ?" That is, as you would say "not

The difference as I see it is made clear in this example: an
IAHC member from the ITU called GTE Federal Systems and
asked that that they turn off their Alternic test and keep the
fact he called a secret.

On the other hand the 10 ORSC root servers have pointers to
the CORE TLD servers.

See the difference in attitude ?

The apperence and perception of the works you endorse
such as IAHC and DNSO.ORG is typified by this Billy Connoly
snippet: ftp://vrx.net/pub/iahc.wav

(Warning, contains the F word, but then, hey, it wouldn't be
Billy Connolly without it would it?)

Don't bother me. I'm living happily ever after.

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