This is why you can't get mail here:

At 06:43 AM 3/28/99 MST, you wrote:
>Hi Richard,
>Thanks for your message.
>I got correct instructions on,
>but I am not being able to send sub/unsub 
>requests because of a misconfigured mail server
>at my ISP, that causes to reject 
>mails sent from my regular account.
>I sent sub/unsub request from then from this
> account, but again without success, 
>probably because of footers and maybe also
>because it was not sent from sub/unsub addresses
>Would please then approve/complete this update?
>Address to be unsubed: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
>Address to subscribe:  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
>I am copying those other address here,
>just to make sure all of them are mine.
>Thansks and please excuse me for this extra work.
>Benjamin Azevedo
>PS: Error I got sending from my IPS:
>------Transcript of session follows -------
>501 EHLO requires a valid host name as operand: 'BRIDGE3' rejected from
> remote address []: hostname must contain a '.'.
>(They've set mail server hostname just as BRIDGE3
> instead of complete host name!
> Received: from (HELO BRIDGE3) ( by ...
>Get free e-mail and a permanent address at
"Those who give up a little freedom for a little security
will not have, nor do they deserve, either one"
               --Thomas Jefferson

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