Hi, Donald, you wrote:
> I noticed that you use "Version:" the way most of us would want to
use it, but that is not how I remember it's use being decribed by Carl
(his message is surely archived). If I remember correctly, "Version:"
is to name which version of *REBOL* is required to run your program
properly. The REBOL header needs a place for *our* program version. 
> Whenever I come across a situation which requires a non-conflicting
version of "version", I now use "verzion". I do the same in my REBOL

        I think Carl agrees with me, at least in 29-Apr-1999. :-) 'Need
defines which REBOL version is "needed" to run the script (for example:
'replace). 'Version defines the script version number.


   Title:   "Full REBOL Header"
   Date:    29-Apr-1999
   Name:    'Full-Header
   Version: 0.1.2
   File:    %headfull.r
   Home:    http://www.rebol.com/
   Author:  "Carl Sassenrath"
   Owner:   "REBOL Headquarters"
   Rights:  "Copyright (C) Carl Sassenrath 1997"
   Tabs:    4
   Need:    0.1.4
   Language: 'English
   Charset: 'ANSI
   Purpose: {
      Shows the optional definitions that can be
      used within a REBOL header.

   Comment: {
      The purpose or general reason for the script
      should go above and important comments or notes
      about the script can go here.

   History: [
      0.1.0 [5-Nov-1997 "Created this example" "Carl"]
      0.1.1 [8-Nov-1997 { Moved the header up, changed
         comment on extending the header, added advanced
         user comment.} "Carl"]

   Example: {Show how to use it.}

Andrew Martin
Why write English, when you can write REBOL? :-)
Online @ 33,600 Baud!

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