Rolf wrote:
> How do I make REBOL send a new message every day? ie.: If I have a
txt file with 100 different messages, and I want REBOL to start from
the top and send a message every day....??
> I was told that REBOL could do it, but have no idea.

Here's just one approach:


SpamBot: make object! [
        Messages: [
                {Message #1 here - Note first line is subject.}
                {Message #2 here
                It's a multi-line message.
        Spam: func [Address [email!]] [
                foreach Message Messages [
                        send Address Message
                        ; wait 24:00:00 ; Caution - this waits for 24 hours!
                        ask "Press enter when 24 hours are up!"


; If you want a file of messages eg Messages.txt Then:

save %"Messages.txt" SpamBot/Messages   ; generates file.

; Edit Messages.txt as appropriate.

SpamBot/Messages: load %Messages.txt    ; Get the messages.



Be really careful with this stuff, OK?

Andrew Martin
Giving out dangerous tools...
Online @ 33,600 Baud!

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