Donald Dalley wrote:
> I don't use REBOL for parsing yet, but someone else is asking me:
> Does anyone know if/when basic string functions** are going to be
added to REBOL/Core or parse, or am I missing something in the docs?
> **you know, LEFT, RIGHT, LENGTH, etc.

Here's some:

>> string: "hello"
== "hello"
>> length? string
== 5
>> left: func [S [string!] N [integer!]] [copy/part S N]
>> left string 2
== "he"
>> right: func [S [string!] N [integer!]] [copy/part at S (length? S) -
N + 1 N]
>> right string 3
== "llo"
>> mid: func [S [string!] I [integer!] N [integer!]] [copy/part at S I
>> mid string 2 3
== "ell"

I can't remember if there's any others. Everyone is free to use the
above as they wish.
Oh, and if you change the "[string!]" to "[series!]", they'll work on
blocks as well as strings. :-D

I hope that helps!

Andrew Martin
Online @ 33,600 Baud!

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