
I need to send a sequence of 694 bytes to a TCP port.  My quetion is: How do 
I collect these bytes?  (In Smalltalk I would use a ByteArray).

I need to send, for example:

    694 as unsigned short (2 bytes)
    251 as unsigned long (4 bytes)
    1 as unsigned short (2 bytes)
    "2000-02-18-", padded left with spaces,
        as 28 byte character field
    0, padded left with 0's, as 12 byte numeric field

My first reaction is to write functions like the following, but I don't know 
what to use for the byte-stream.  Suggestions for other approaches also 

add-u-long func [
    integer [integer!] byte-stream [????]
    /local byte
    for shift-amount -24 0 8 [
        byte: bit-and (bit-shift integer shift-amount) 255
        append byte-stream byte

Thanks in advance,

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