Overall, my forays into CGI scripting with Rebol have been very
positive experiences. I was able to locate the appropriate Rebol binary
at rebol.com, upload it to my web hosting provider's server, run setup,
and start scripting away. 
    No customer support from my provider was necessary. As far as I know,
they don't even know I'm running Rebol on one of their machines.
Fortunately, they (www.dreamhost.com) have a very liberal cgi scripting
policy, so I'm not worried about being hassled by them.
    Now the questions:
    Since Rebol/Command is going to offer much deeper hooks into the
system. Will I be able to install and run it with the same ease as
Rebol/Core? That is, I'm not going to need root level priveleges to
install it, am I? 
    Also what's the status of the Apache module? (At some point, I plan
to get off my arse and administer my own server...) Is there a LinuxPPC
beta version available now?
    I know the features of Rebol/Command must have been hashed out
several times in this mailing list, but I haven't had much luck searching
through archives to find such a hashing. Does anyone have a summary or an
url to a summary of the features of Rebol/Command? 
    Is there ever going to be a way to get the time in milliseconds in
Rebol/Core? Right now i'm using a short php script on my web server.
(http://www.smallandmighty.com/mstime.phtml) Just read the page to get
the time with millisecond resolution. It's good for generating unique
IDs, for temp files and such. This really should be a feature in
Rebol/Core, IMO. If it already is, please enlighten me as to how to
access it. :)
    Personally, I'd like to do all of my web development in Rebol/Core,
but it's looking like I'm going to need to create and access some MySQL
databases. Now I can do that with PHP, but not Rebol/Core, and I have no
idea when Rebol/Command is going to actually show up. 
    So has anyone created some database bindings between Rebol and PHP?
It seems like most good hosting services offer PHP and at least one
supported database like MySQL or mSQL. Odds are any place you can run
Rebol, will probably have PHP 3.x installed. If I have to combine the
two, I'd like to keep the high order logic in Rebol and only use PHP for
low-level system and database access. 
     Lastly, is there going to be a multithreaded version of Rebol/Core?
It would be nice to have  some Thread! and Semaphore! datatypes. 


Here's the PHP code, in case any one is interested...
        $mtime = microtime();
        $mtime = explode(" ",$mtime);
        $mtime = $mtime[1] + $mtime[0];
        print $mtime;

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