Thanks Elan:
        Your answers are always well-put and 
At 02:30 PM 3/2/00 -0800, you wrote:
>Hi tim:
>message-with-headers: none
>message-without-headers: none
>forall inbox [
> message-with-headers: import-email first inbox
> message-without-headers: message-with-headers/content
>forall inbox [
> message-without-headers: get in import-email first inbox 'content
>Note that message-without-headers will point at a different message body at
>each iteration and will not preserve the last message. If you want to save
>the message you will have to insert the messages one by one into a block.
>messages: []
>forall inbox [
> append messages get in import-email first inbox 'content
>Also note that when a message is a reply to a previous message, the message
>body may quote a message it is responding to and include that previous
>message's headers in its own body. In this case you will end up with the
>complete body of the message you received, including possibly quoted
>headers of previous messages it responds to, provided they are included in
>its body.
>;- Elan >> [: - )]

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