I plan to develop a collaborative work environment tool with REBOL.
There is nothing done yet, so that if some of you want to join me
please contact me.

Jochen Schmidt

Am Fre, 22 Sep 2000 schrieben Sie:
> Gnutilla is currently wounded from growing pains, Napster's fate
> questionable, and all other sorts of peer file sharing are gaining in
> popularity.  I also sense a high demand for collaborative work
> environments.  Combining the two, like that BeOS app mentioned a while ago,
> is a strong mixture.  I don't know if such an app is possible/feasible to
> create with REBOL, but since it would run on so many platforms, its
> guaranteed a smidgen of popularity.  If released before Gnutilla is fixed,
> the #2 position is possible.  #2 position in peer file sharing would likely
> carry over into #1 position in collaborative work environments.
> "Collaborative work environment" is something you can achieve, here I go
> again, "first in mind."

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