Yes, I'm very interested. Where can I find out more? Sounds like a 
Linda implementation in Rebol, which I have been looking forward to 
seeing since I first heard of Rebol.

[EMAIL PROTECTED] said at Ò[REBOL] New Stuff Re:Ó.
[Sep/22/2000Fri 19:41]

- If anyone is interested I'm working on  distributed
-agent based simulation systems - enabling you to host
-a large single discrete event simulation over a number
-of networked  PC's. The networked pc's provide a
-common simulation environment and the agents are
-mobile within it (meaning they can move from one PC to
-the next within the confines of a simulation host).
-The project is currently at design stage with
-architecture and dialect design due for completion by
-late october. Current activity is lagerly focused on
-porting older existing C based prototype into REBOL
-extending functionality and testing.
-Once the design and new REBOL prototype code is
-finished, I'll happily release the code for comments
-and feedback if anyone is interested.



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