Läst och begrundat. Artikeln av James Risen och Eric Lichtblau som
äntligen publicerades 16 december 2005 finns med i EFFs fantastiska


Tyvärr slutar den 2015:

"NSA Surveillance History from December 15, 1791 through November, 9
2015.  This timeline is no longer maintained and is provided here for
historical reference."



On 03/01/18 13:36, Anne-Marie Eklund-Löwinder wrote:
> Läs och begrunda. Från Twitter och G Greenwald:
> For @theintercept, Jim Risen describes his battles with the US Government, 
> and with his own editors inside the New York Times, during his years of 
> national security reporting at the NYT. He draws critical numerous lessons 
> about government and media
> https://theintercept.com/2018/01/03/my-life-as-a-new-york-times-reporter-in-the-shadow-of-the-war-on-terror/
> Gott nytt år!
> Anne-Marie Eklund Löwinder
> Säkerhetschef, IIS
> Tel: 0734-315 310
> https://www.iis.se
> Besöksadress: Hammarby Kaj 10D
> Postadress: Box 92073, 120 07 Stockholm

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