Lachlan Hunt wrote:
There are various techniques used, such as:
1. Writing the e-mail with JavaScript
2. Encoding characters using percent-encoding in mailto: URIs
3. Encoding characters as HTML character references.
4. Interspersing markup within the e-mail address.
  e.g. user<span>&#x40;</span>example<!-- -->.com
5. Writing "user [at] example [dot] com" (or other variation)
6. User-Agent sniffing
7. Reversing the text direction using <bdo> or CSS 'direction' and 'unicode-bidi' properties.

One technique I forgot about.

8. using some javascript to look for signs of user interaction, which would indicate a legitimate user is reading the page, instead of a spam bot.

Here's a simple script to demonstrate the concept:

<a id="email">user [at] example [dot] com</a>
document.onkeypress = document.onmousemove = function() {
  var e = document.getElementById("email");
  e.innerHTML = 'user' + '@' + '';
  e.href = 'mailto:user' + '@' + '';

  // Remove the event listeners, since it only needs to run once
  document.onkeypress = document.onmousemove = null;

This is a variation of technique 1 which is typically done as the document loads. I've never seen this done in the wild, it's a technique I'd thought about a while ago, but never published before.

It should prevent the simple workarounds I outlined in my previous e-mail for technique 1 because of the extra dependence upon user interaction. But all it would take is for a spam bot to simulate either a keypress or mouse movement to indicate real user interaction. It will also be ineffective against anything that successfully works around technique 5.

Lachlan Hunt

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