TuteC wrote:
I have a rather simple question: does it have any semantical meaning
the name of a div? For example, if I have a <div
class="Distributors"><h3>Distributors</h3></div>, will the search
engine understand the name of the div or di I need that h3 to do that?

I asked a similar question on Sitepoint.com a while back:

Does markup have any weight to SEO/SEM?

Also, this is from page 5 of CSS Mastery: Advanced Web Standards Solutions (kinda related to your question):

"When naming your IDs and classes, it is important that you keep the names as meaningful and "un-presentational" as possible. For insatnce, you could give you section navigation an ID of rightHandNav as that is where you want it to appear. However, if you later choose to position it on the left, your CSS and (X)HTML will go out of sync. Instead, it would make more sense to name the element subNav or secondaryNav. These names explain what the element is rather than how it is presented. The same is true of class names. Say you want all your error messages to be red. Rather than using the class name red, choose something more meaningful like error or feedback."


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