Hi Thierry

Thanks for the reply. The only problem is that the behaviour is
inconsistent, sometimes it scrolls the result page to the correct
location and sometimes it doesn't.



-----Original Message-----
From: listdad@webstandardsgroup.org
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Thierry Koblentz
Sent: Thursday, November 16, 2006 1:26 AM
To: wsg@webstandardsgroup.org
Subject: Re: [WSG] IE doesnt pickup the anchor

Lachlan Hunt wrote:
> Bojana Lalic wrote:
>> Is there a known problem with IE ignoring #anchors?
> That's called a fragment identifier.
>> For example, doing a search on
>> http://lorn.beta.flexiblelearning.net.au/lorn/go/home (in Firefox)
>> produces the following url:
>> http://lorn.beta.flexiblelearning.net.au/lorn/search?...#resulttab
>> However, doing a search on the same url but in IE produces the
>> following url:
>> (There is no #resulttab at the end of the url in IE).
> IE6 seems to behave as if the fragment identifier were present (i.e.
> it scrolls the result page to the correct location) but it doesn't
> include it in the URI in the address bar.  Considering it gives the
> desired behaviour, I wouldn't worry too much.  It's just a bug in IE
> that can be ignored and there's nothing you can do to fix it anyway,
> except filing a bug report.

The problem is that keyboard users can't tab from that location, but
may not be related to the missing fragment identifier:

Thierry | www.TJKDesign.com

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