You can either play around with MS filters to get IE to play ball or if the hrs are always going to appear over a white bg (ie no transparency required), just re-export them as 24-bit PNGs without any transparency.

On Thu, 16 Nov 2006 13:03:09 +1000, Michael Cordover <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

On 11/16/06, John Faulds <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Unless I'm missing something (I looked in FF as well), the hr appears to
be just a solid colour so I wouldn't use a hr, I'd just use a coloured

Yeah, this is my bad; for some reason hr.png didn't get uploaded (I
blame wget failing to get background images, but perhaps not).  If you
have another look you'll notice the issue with black bar <hr/> in msie
and nice gradient purple in fx.

min-height trick fixed all my problems that side though; thanks a lot!

It's times like these that make me wish I worked live, or at least had
internet access on my development computer...



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