Hi List,

Not sure if this can be done but here goes:

I have a 3 column layout and want to display a vertical border between the columns. The problem is that the relative heights of the columns can change depending on how much content is in each at any time. I want the borders to always extend for the height of the currently tallest column, and for both borders to be the same height.

See http://dev.logical.co.uk/test/vertical_borders.html

In this example I have put a left and right border on the middle column and so the borders only extend as far as the end of the middle content. What I want is for both borders to be the height of the left column. However, if the right column were to have content added so that it became the tallest, then the borders should both be that height.

Can I do it with positioning and clearing somehow, or is there a simpler way, or any way of doing it?



Nick Roper
logical elements
innovative web and internet solutions
zend/php & mysql approved partner
phone: +44 1749 676798
 www: www.logical.co.uk
skype: nick.roper / +44 20 7870 9587

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