I was there at the WSG Sydney meeting last Thursday and was very interested
to hear Lachlan Hunt ("the tallest WSG member" according to Russ) talking
about the "Future of HTML". Here's where I have to admit I must have been
living under a stone for a while because I'd never heard of HTML 5 until
that evening and talking to some of the folks after the meeting they hadn't
either. Lachlan's talk raised a lot of questions (which I wished I'd asked
at the meeting but felt like a noob at the time). I've done some research
online since but the archives of this list seem to have more knowledgable
people on the subject.

What I don't get is the HTML 5 (Web Applications 1.0) seems to be a
competing standard to those proposed by the W3C.
for example states: "The W3C promotes XHTML
2.0, based on the requirements of a broad vendor base -- not just desktop
browser makers. XHTML 2.0 is seen as a radical step. In contrast, the Web
Hypertext Application Technology Working Group (WHATWG) promotes a set of
incremental specifications, which evolve HTML to add the most immediately
required functionality into the browser. While no standards war has erupted
yet on the scale that brought HTML into the W3C in the first place, these
two organizations are not always in agreement as to where HTML should go".

Is this a fork in the specs road or a "standards war" in the making? It
would be great to bounce this off the WSG cogniscienti and help me (and
maybe others?) get a grasp of what is going on here.

SkyRocket Design Co

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