We all can have only theories based on the known facts but its looking worse
and worse for GM.

One reason I can understand for GM is their stockholders expect the stock to
keep climbing.  GM has to build cars that people will accept to last only 5
years at the most and the trade them in for new ones because they start
breaking down. They also need to make more off that car for the 5 years and
thats through service.  Sure people go elsewhere for service but the parts
have to come from somewhere and most people still only trust the dealer.
They are paying 3 times as much for service but some people think the dealer
is the only one that can do a good job.

Building an EV that will last for 20 years and only have battery changes for
5-10 years would kill that business plan.

TOO BAD GM! You milked us for decades and now its time for a change.  Times
have changed and now GM is in the planned obsolescence stage that they have
mastered for more than half a century.  they wont make as much money off the
EV but its better than going completely bankrupt and being liquidated.  But
maybe its too late....

Im for any company making a profit, that is what made this country great.
But there is an ethical line that is the road less traveled by. Im sorry to
say GM and all the american car makers have been following the road most
traveled by.
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