> From: fred <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> To: listserv@floridaeaa.org
> Date: Fri, 1 Aug 2008 02:46:17 -0700 (PDT)
> Subject: Re: [FLEAA] Sarasota meeting
> Nicely written article, except for including the magnets fellow.  "Shrink
> gasoline molecules so oxygen bonds more easily." "Trying to convince ... to
> equip the fleet..."  Yikes!
>     And "shrinks the hydrocarbon molecules" is the worst *fake explanation
> *I've ever heard for the magnets-in-fuel-line theory.  The better theory
> I've heard is that the magnetism *straightens *the hydrocarbon molecules so
> that they are more uniform when they are exposed to the air/oxygen.  Well,
> if that's true, then what happens when they are no longer near that
> magnetism?
>     Yes, quite sad to see that get attention.  Theory is so bunk when you
> consider the fact that all fuel-injected cars essentially have them already
> installed.  ;)  A Fuel Injector is nothing more than an electronic
> solenoid,
> (which when energized opens a valve to allow fuel to flow or not flow),
> which is nothing more than wire that coiled around...get ready for this, a
>   ~Scott
> Certified General Master Automotive Technician
creative loafing is a very liberal newspaper.  they cater to the extreme
left. They do have good articles time to time but they also have bad
articles as well with crazy things that make you say "what???? are they
serious?" .
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