Ages ago I read the blog of a former MS employee who was on the team that
did STSADM backup and restore stuff and he stated that the reason site level
backup/restore was not supported was that it was too buggy and the feature
was removed (because I used to use site level methods with the previous
version of SharePoint)


The problem is I have not since found the blog, nor the post. Does my
description sound familiar to anyone? Has anyone read the post I am
referring to?


(I read it easily a year ago)


Daniel Brown
Sent: Wednesday, 19 November 2008 8:48 AM
Subject: [SPAM] RE: [OzMOSS] RE: create SharePoint development same as
production site


Ø  Why would it have be so hard to create a web-based GUI for theses (and
other) essential daily tasks that allowed a bit more control over the
various parameters and managed syntax while also providing a “Test” mode for
the less brazen?

Central Admin under Backup/Restore? Or Item level backup/restore level with
DPM? Or even batch script with use of STSADM to run on a schedule.

STSADM could of been made to support item level backup/.restore, but the
amount of effort/overhead involved in this via a CLI is pretty large, Should
the UI have supported it? Yes It should have.


Happy to Help,



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