Hey guys,

I have a little project to prototype in Silverlight that has a set of
aligned images I need to switch between - think one image control with each
source image (PNG) a frame to navigate between. I'm thinking the scrollwheel
for main interaction. Any thoughts on the best way to implement? Need high
performance, images from URL/config, lots of them, need to automate pipeline
for final version.


1.       Image control, flip to new source file  / maybe some double
buffering needed? How do I handle the delay to download?

2.       Multiscaleimage control - change tilesources. Don't really need
uber resolution - 1024x1024. Pretty slow.

3.       MediaElement control - create a HD WMV with each image as a frame.
Bit like the old trick to get a mock 3D object in flash. As the images as
similar the codec should compress well and handle streaming. I'm pretty sure
it is easy to navigate between individual frames?


Looking around this is best example  - a slideshow - that I've found
(actually the only example I've found that is designed to work with large
numbers of images and pre-cache):



The things I'm considering are:

.         Scaling to different screen sizes

.         Not having to wait for all images to be download before using

.         Performance / Memory usage.


If I go with option 3, anyone know if there is a way to automate the
creation of the WMV? Does media encoder handle this? Can it be automated?


John O'Brien


Soul Solutions

 <callto:+61407625848> call:+61407625848,  <skype:soulsolutions.com.au?call>
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