I have some questions to ask. Hope someone answer me something.
1. I've built the live555MediaServer. It says that to stream from this
server, simply type the URL like : rtsp://<filename>
where <filename> is a file present in the current directory.  Because I
can't type the address rstp:// into the web browser, also don't have any
server keep media files, so it means I must put a file with the supported
file type in the same directory with live555MediaServer?
I've tried a .mp3 file but the output is just a "<", nothing happens.
2. Stream from this server also means that, the server will play by itself,
too? I don't need any client to play it? Because I see the openRSTP client
and RSTP server in the streaming media source code, too. So what are the
difference between live555MediaServer and RSTP server?
3.After I built the Streaming Media source code, how can I run the test
Sorry for asking those questions, just because I'm stuck in compiling and
test the source code.
Thanks a lot
Hope to see your reply
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