On Sun, Feb 22, 2009 at 6:37 AM, Alexander E. Patrakov
<patra...@gmail.com> wrote:
> fu...@eml.cc wrote:
>> Is it possible to connect to a WPA2 secured WLan router using only
>> what is on the current Live CD?
>> If so, what do I have to do?
> On the CD, there is wpa_supplicant. This is required for WPA2
> (although I don't know if the version on the d supports WPA2 - it is
> rather old). You write a config file for it, run it (instead
> of iwconfig), and then run dhcpcd. A google search for
> "wpa_supplicant.conf example" will get you started.
> --
> Alexander E. Patrakov
> --
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It also depends on what driver you use, not just wpa_supplicant. For
example, on Puppy Linux 4.00, my Intel 4965 can't connect to WPA2, as
it isn't supported. Check to make sure the drivers included are the
most up to date, or if WPA2 support is in development for that driver.

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