
2012/4/19 Perdie Perduta <rsperd...@gmail.com>:
> I downloaded the LMMS source code and would love to know if it is
> possible to do development on Windows platform?  I have programmed in
> C++ before and do understand the language... well some of it anyway,
> but I just need some help so I can compile it all and I am sure I will
> work it out from there.

LMMS usually is cross-compiled on Linux. You find all required
packages on https://launchpad.net/~tobydox/+archive/mingw/+packages
(use the lucid packages, the precise packages are not finished yet).
After installing these you can run "../build_mingw32" (the script
delivered with LMMS sources) from within a build subdirectory for
configuring and then "make" for building. "make package" generates an
installer (make sure to have nsis installed).


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