interesting example to pick.
The ISO country code for the United Kingdom is GB. We have an exceptional reservation on "UK" which means no new country can claim it, but the code is GB. On Freenode #ubuntu-gb redirects to #ubuntu-uk as I think xchat automatically joins #ubuntu-$countrycode

I am really not at all keen on the idea of rebranding Ubuntu-UK to Ubuntu-GB to tidy up one page on the web. isn't ideal for a number of reasons. My expectation on clicking the map on the front page of is that when I click europe it should take me to a larger map of Europe, then I click my country and it takes me there. I never want to see the huge list of other teams in places I don't live. Failing that, as I know creating such a clickable map would be a bit of work (not *that* much work, would keep someone amused for a few hours but we could do it) create which just shows me teams in my continent, it would load faster than the global list. With the current state clicking the map does not add a lot of value as it still loads all of the same page, just scrolls to roughly the right bit of the page.


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