At 09:09 AM 4/1/2003 -0800, you wrote:
> In log4j version 1.3, you can also include sub-components in
> config files
> written in XML. Seeing a sub-element within an appender element,
> DOMConfigurator will automatically instantiate and configure the
> sub-element. I'll write complete example within the next few
> days. If I
> forget, please do not hesitate to remind me.


That is very cool.  Definitely want to start taking advantage of that.  Has
this replaced the new xml configurator you were thinking of?

Thanks Mark. I sent an example for sub-component configuration earlier this morning. Please see if you have not already.

The DOMConfigurator as it exists in the CVS repository is enhanced with respect to what is available in log4j 1.2. In particular, it can automatically handle sub-elements, or sub-elements of sub-elements (i.e. it is recursive). It can also handle multiple sub-elements of the same type, such as filters. You can for example write:

 <appender name="FOO" ...>
    <x ...>
      <y .../>
    <x .../>

It will instantiate and configure to x's (whatever they may be) and add them to appender FOO.
This already grants us a good deal of flexibility. However, one can still not change the way config files are parsed. The next step is to allow the Configurator to be able to learn new parsing rules at run time. However, this requires a substantial if not complete re-write of DOMConfigurator such that a new name is warranted. Anyway, this is something I wanted to do for a long time. Unfortunately, I am still bogged down with administrative crap. I hope to be done by tomorrow or Thursday at the latest.



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