
Using an own written RepositorySelector is a reasonably way of having different 
logger universes within the same JVM. Using the standard selector returns 
always the same logger instance for a given name, since it it is stored within 
the unique default repository. A self written selector which want to provied 
different repositories in different contexts must have some criterias to 
distinguish this context at the moment when a client requests a logger. If the 
differentiation can be done by different thread contexts it will be easy. You 
can use the MDC to store one ore more key ("key=value") words. The MDC is kept 
per thread basis, so each thread can have its own content of the key words. 
Your selector returns then the proper repository depending on these context 


> -----Original Message-----
> From: Iyad Elian [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: Saturday, July 23, 2005 4:28 AM
> To: log4j-user@logging.apache.org
> Subject: Appender per Thread (rootLogger contention)
> Our application starts with a file appender attached to the 
> rootLogger.
> The application executes different commands and some of these commands
> request that log be redirected to a separate file for the duration of
> the execution of that command. commands that don't specify a 
> logfile use
> the original appender. The master logfile looks like this:
> INFO - STARTING command: LogTest
> INFO - Redirecting command log output to: /logs/logtest.log
> INFO - FINISHED command: LogTest [status=0,elapsed_time(secs)=0]
> works well, except when multiple threads execute commands 
> concurrently.
> The implementation gets the rootLogger and removes the 
> original appender
> and adds the command specific appender, executes the command then
> restores the original appender by removing the command appender and
> adding the original appender. obviously this won't work if multiple
> threads execute the same code but we couldn't figure out a better way.
> is there a way like using a RepositorySelector?
> your help is appreciated.
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