On Aug 8, 2006, at 8:09 AM, Daniel Serodio wrote:

When I try to reload an application in Tomcat, I get the following error:

log4j:ERROR Error occured while converting date.
java.lang.NullPointerException: null array passed into arraycopy
java.lang.System.arraycopy(Ljava.lang.Object;ILjava.lang.Object;II)V (Unknown
java.lang.AbstractStringBuilder.getChars(AbstractStringBuilder.java: 331)
    at java.lang.StringBuffer.getChars(StringBuffer.java:202)

Might try asking on the tomcat-user list. I've seen some surprising behavior during class reloading and it isn't an area that I have any experience with. If you do get an analysis, I would appreciate your giving us a heads up by posting the resolution back here.

I did look at the code in question. If lastTimeString was somehow not initialized on class reload, then there could be a NPE on the call to getChars(). However, short of a some failure in the VM or a class reloading hack, I don't see how lastTimeString could be null.

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