Hello everyone,

advertises this parameter syntax, to allow filtering undesired stack
frames from logged stacktraces: `%ex{filters(package,list)}`

> ex|exception|throwable
> {filters(package,package,...)}
> Use {filters(packages)} where packages is a list of package names to suppress 
> matching stack frames from stack traces.

However on 2.17.1 (latest) when I use such a pattern:

`<PatternLayout pattern="%d{ISO8601} %5p %c{1} %m%n%ex{filters(org.p2)}"/>`

no filtering happens, and I still get stacktraces like:

2022-02-14T07:25:23,048 ERROR TestLog error
java.lang.IllegalStateException: Oh no
        at org.p2.Foo.run(Foo.java:5)
        at com.p1.Bar.run(Bar.java:7)
        at org.p2.Bar.run(Bar.java:5)
        at com.p1.Foo.run(Foo.java:7)
        at TestLog.main(TestLog.java:11)

Per my understanding, above config should remove the two `at
org.p2...` frames/lines from the stacktrace.

Turning off `alwaysWriteExceptions` makes no change.

Looking at the 
codebase I see that the `filters` parameter is parsed and loaded to
`ThrowableFormatOptions` properly; but in the actual
I cannot find any stack frame filtering logic using `filters` config.
So to me it seems like `filters` functionality is not yet implemented
(although I could not find any documentation/discussions to back my

I would be happy to contribute a filtering implementation honoring the
already documented specification; however first I would like to
confirm if I'm correct so far, or if I have missed something.


Janaka Bandara

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