Matt Sicker wrote:
> If you look at our LoggerContextResolver JUnit 5 extension
> code (more so in master than in release-2.x as the latter is an older
> version of the former), you'll see how you can essentially use a
> LoggerContext per test class or test instance (at least that's where
> it gets stored for this extension).

I had a look and I could probably port that over to a Spock extension
fairly easily.
And opposed to the `LoggerContextRule` it also seems not to use static
state or system properties.
But from looking at the code I don't see how this is logger context
then is used by the SUT code.

Matt Sicker wrote:
> The other side of things would be
> making a ContextSelector implementation for log4j-core that could
> select the LoggerContext to use based on the JUnit ExtensionStore.

Is this the part that would make the `LoggerContext` from the
extension be used by the SUT code?
How would it access the extension store in that situation?
How does it work with the JUnit 5 extension currently then, because I
see no such context selector?
Or what is the part I'm missing right now?

Matt Sicker wrote:
> The implementation details are a bit fuzzy, but there's already logic in
> LoggerContextResolver to check the test instance for @Factory-style
> methods (similar to @Bean methods in Spring) for dependency injection setup,

Not sure what you mean, the only thing I see is that it searches for
`LoggerContextSource` annotations on the class and test method.

Volkan Yazıcı wrote:
> `LoggerContextRule` in the sources might be a good starting point for you.
> I am actually interested in your feedback, if you happen to use it somehow.

My feedback for this is already in the original post here.
Let met quote myself:
> I looked into the LoggerContextRule whether I find something useful there,
> but - please correct me if I'm wrong - as far as I have seen it also
> is not capable of parallel execution
> as it uses system properties and static state, so parallel tests would
> also overwrite each other I guess.

Volkan Yazıcı wrote:
> I would refrain from patching `ListAppender` using `ThreadLocal`s. There
> might be other components which are subject to misbehaviour when accessed 
> concurrently.

You think log4j is not thread-safe?
Or how should this statement be interpreted?

Volkan Yazıcı wrote:
> Hence you better give each of your tests a pristine `LoggerContext`.

If I finally understand how, I might do it like that. :-)

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