I've followed my application's usage of the `setFile()` command up the
chain of invocations to try to figure out what it's doing so that I can
implement something different for Log4j v2.

Ultimately, the function is invoked by the `main()` method of a file
`SandcastleService.jar`, where it is used to change the FileAppender output
file of the Root Logger.  I don't know enough about Java to investigate
further, and I need help.

It is obvious from the structure and nature of the library I'm working on
that no one was ever expected to type `$ java SandcastleService` at the
command line to invoke this, which is the only use of the `main()` method I
know about.

When the library is built, it is part of a JAR file `beaches.jar`.  That
JAR file has a manifest that includes a field `Main-Class:
org.file.path.tides.scheduler`.  So, `SandcastleService.main()` is not used
for that purpose.

Does anyone have any ideas for how I can figure out what
`SandcastleService.main()` is doing with the Log4j v1 `setFile()` method?
The string "SandcastleService.main(" doesn't appear anywhere else in the
code base, so it's not directly invoked anywhere.


On Fri, Aug 26, 2022 at 6:21 PM Ralph Goers <ralph.go...@dslextreme.com>

> > On Aug 26, 2022, at 1:45 PM, Joel Griffith <jgrif...@nd.edu> wrote:
> >
> >
> > Its purpose is to change the output file of the Root Logger's
> FileAppender
> > (we assume it has only one), or to add a new FileAppender to the Root
> > Logger if one does not already exist.  I can eliminate this use of
> > FileAppender.setFile() by rewriting the entire function for Log4j v2.
> How
> > changing a FileAppender's output file done in v2?  I cannot find any hint
> > online.  I read some about Lookups, which someone mentioned, but the only
> > page I found was all configuration, no code.
> >
> The only way to change the output destination would be to create a new
> Appender with the new target file and replace the current appender with it.
> The file attribute of a FileAppender in Log4j 2 is immutable. In the
> RollingFileAppender
> you cannot change the name of the target file but the file being written
> to is
> moved and a new file with the same name is created when a rollover occurs.
> In order to have  the ability to change the file at any time locking would
> be
> required and Log4j 2 minimizes locking wherever it can.
> But rather than just copying code and trying to figure out how to emulate
> it
> with Log4j 2 it would be better to figure out what the requirement is that
> is
> driving the need to change the file name and then ask how that requirement
> can be met.
> Ralph
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