> On Oct 14, 2022, at 8:53 AM, Piotr P. Karwasz <piotr.karw...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi Clayton,
> On Fri, 14 Oct 2022 at 17:32, Clayton Wohl <claytonw...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> I've heard rumors that the log4j devs are working on a Java 11+ JPMS native
>> version of log4j. This would help end users use jlink to package/distribute
>> their applications. Is this still happening? Is there a ballpark time
>> frame for when we will see pre-release builds?
> The upcoming 3.x series will fully support JPMS. See the `master`
> branch: https://github.com/apache/logging-log4j2/tree/master
> While it is now our main development effort and snapshots are
> published regularly (on
> https://repository.apache.org/content/groups/snapshots) after each
> commit, it is not very well tested by the community. JPMS-savy
> contributors are always welcome.

I think Piotr’s statement should be qualified. Currently, many modules are 
compliant JPMS modules in master. However there are still many that are not. 
It isn’t clear to me how many of the others are really worth the effort of 
(and it is a large amount of effort).

As for a timeframe. Here are the items still left on the list:
1. Finish modularizing any remaining Maven modules that make sense to do.
2. If at all possible, implement 
3. Ensure fixes included in release-2.x have not been lost in master.

While item 1 is straightforward, it is still a bit of busy work. Items 2 and 3 
are quite a bit of work. To be honest, I would have liked for 3.0.0-alpha1 to 
been released months ago but there aren’t enough hours in the day. So if you 
provide help by providing PRs for any of these it would be appreciated.

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