What you are running into is a fundamental difference in how Log4j 1.x worked 
and how Log4j2 works. In Log4j 1 when you added a Logger statement to the 
configuration it would create a “real” Logger just as if you had called 
LogManager.getLogger(). Log4j 2.x does not do that. As Pier noted, this is so 
log events are never lost when configuration changes are made. 

I have a suspicion here that the “loggerName” you passed in doesn’t actually 
exist in your configuration.  The way getLoggerConfig works is that it looks 
for a Logger defined in the configuration that exactly matches what you 
specified - in this case “com.example.Class”.  If it doesn’t find that it then 
strips off the last token and tries again (com.example). It repeats this until 
it gets to the root LoggerConfig.  So if you don’t have any Loggers configured 
that at least partially match the Logger name you provided then it is going to 
set the level for the root LoggerConfig..

If you were to call getLogger for the same name it will only return the 
LoggerConfig if there is an exact match, otherwise it will return null.

If you really want to change the level for a specific Logger then you have to 
ensure that a LoggerConfig actually exists for that name.  You would first call 
getLogger(loggerName) and if it returns null then you need to add a new 
LoggerConfig by calling addLogger. You will need to create the LoggerConfig 
with the appropriate Level, filters, and appenders (or let it inherit those 
from its parents).  If it does exist then call setLevel on the existing 
LoggerConfig. In either case you must then call updateLoggers to cause all the 
Loggers to reassociate with the appropriate LoggerConfigs.


> On Feb 28, 2023, at 12:04 PM, Christopher Schultz 
> <ch...@christopherschultz.net> wrote:
> All,
> I'm coming from a log4j v1.x background where this was easy to do:
> String loggerName = "com.example.Class";
> Logger log = LogManager.exists(loggerName);
> if(null != log) {
>  log.setLevel(targetLevel);
> }
> This appears no longer to be possible -- or at least easy -- and I've seen at 
> least two techniques on StackOverflow which result in the same behavior: the 
> log-level threshold for *every logger everywhere* gets set to the target 
> level.
> For example, setting the log-level for the logger called "foo" to TRACE ends 
> up filling my log with stuff from completely unrelated loggers/classes/etc.
> Here is one technique[1]
> String loggerName = "com.example.Class";
> LoggerContext ctx = (LoggerContext) LogManager.getContext(false);
> Configuration config = ctx.getConfiguration();
> LoggerConfig loggerConfig = config.getLoggerConfig(loggerName);
> loggerConfig.setLevel(level);
> ctx.updateLoggers();  // This causes all Loggers to refetch information from 
> their LoggerConfig.
> I tried both with and without the ctx.updateLoggers() call.
> Here is another technique[2]:
> Configurator.setLevel(loggerName, level);
> This reconfigures everything just like the one above.
> The final technique (still in the same SO question) is this:
>    final LoggerContext ctx = (LoggerContext) LogManager.getContext(false);
>    final Configuration config = ctx.getConfiguration();
>    LoggerConfig loggerConfig = config.getLoggerConfig(logger.getName());
>    LoggerConfig specificConfig = loggerConfig;
>    // We need a specific configuration for this logger,
>    // otherwise we would change the level of all other loggers
>    // having the original configuration as parent as well
>    if (!loggerConfig.getName().equals(logger.getName())) {
>        specificConfig = new LoggerConfig(logger.getName(), level, true);
>        specificConfig.setParent(loggerConfig);
>        config.addLogger(logger.getName(), specificConfig);
>    }
>    specificConfig.setLevel(level);
>    ctx.updateLoggers();
> This does not seem to set the log level for all loggers to e.g. TRACE but it 
> also doesn't seem to set the actual logger. (I can see e.g. DEBUG and TRACE 
> logs from other loggers, so it's not an issue with the appender).
> What is the recommended technique for changing a single logger's threshold in 
> log4j2? I realize that the best thing to do would be to "just configure it 
> correctly the first time" but in reality, you sometimes just have to enable 
> TRACE logging in production to figure out what the hell is happening.
> Thanks,
> -chris
> [1] Adapted from https://stackoverflow.com/a/23434603/276232
> [2] Adapted from https://stackoverflow.com/a/44678752/276232
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