
I'm trying to implement remote logging for my application which is running
in a docker container.
The remote server provider is Papertrail.
I want to specify a custom local host name, currently it is taking
container id, which I don't want.
In syslog layout GitHub link
It has a localHostname property or field, which is taking the value from org
How to set this attribute.
My current implementation is as follows
AppenderComponentBuilder appenderBuilder = builder.newAppender("syslog",
        .addAttribute("protocol", "UDP")
        .addAttribute("host", host)
        .addAttribute("port", port)
        .addAttribute("appName", serviceName)
        .addAttribute("id", serviceName)
        .addAttribute("facility", "LOCAL0")
        .addAttribute("newLine", true)
        .addAttribute("format", "RFC5424")
        .addAttribute("ignoreExceptions", false);

I'm ok to use SocketAppender as well if syslog appender doesn't support

Thank you,

Ganesh S

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