The Apache Log4j team is pleased to announce the 2.22.1
release. Apache Log4j is a versatile, industrial-strength
Java logging framework composed of an API, its implementation,
and components to assist the deployment for various use cases.
For further information (support, download, etc.) see the project


== Release Notes

This release contains only dependency upgrades and bug fixes, which do
not change the behavior of the artifacts.

While maintaining compatibility with Java 8, the artifacts in this
release where generated using JDK 17, unlike version `2.22.0` that
used JDK 11.

=== Fixed

* Mark `JdkMapAdapterStringMap` as frozen if map is immutable. (#2098)
* Fix NPE in `CloseableThreadContext`. (#1426)
* Use the module name of Conversant Media Disruptor from version
`1.2.16+` of the library.
* Fix NPE in `RollingFileManager`. (#1645)
* Fix `log4j-to-slf4j` JPMS and OSGi descriptors. (#1983)
* Workaround a Coursier/Ivy dependency resolution bug affecting
`log4j-slf4j-impl` and `log4j-mongodb3`. (#2065)

=== Updated

* Bumped the minimum Java version required for the build to Java 17.
Runtime requirements remain unchanged. (#2021)
* Update `com.github.luben:zstd-jni` to version `1.5.5-11` (#2030)
* Update `` to version `33.0.0-jre` (#2110)
* Update `commons-codec:commons-codec` to version `1.16.0` (#2042)
* Update `commons-io:commons-io` to version `2.15.1` (#2034)
* Update `commons-logging:commons-logging` to version `1.3.0` (#2050)
* Update `io.netty:netty-bom` to version `4.1.104.Final` (#2095)
* Update `org.apache.commons:commons-compress` to version `1.25.0` (#2045)
* Update `org.apache.commons:commons-dbcp2` to version `2.11.0` (#2048)
* Update `org.apache.commons:commons-lang3` to version `3.14.0` (#2047)
* Update `org.apache.commons:commons-pool2` to version `2.12.0` (#2057)
* Update `org.apache.kafka:kafka-clients` to version `3.6.1` (#2068)
* Update `org.apache.logging:logging-parent` to version `10.5.0` (#2119)
* Update `org.jctools:jctools-core` to version `4.0.2` (#1984)
* Update `org.springframework.boot:spring-boot` to version `2.7.18` (#1998)
* Update `` to
version `2021.0.9` (#2109)

Apache Log4j Team

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