Glad you were able to sort this out after all.




Von: [] 
Gesendet: Freitag, 27. Februar 2015 15:06
Betreff: AW: 64bit problem?




Thanks to all so kind to nudge me to the right solution. It was a security
issue after all NOT a architecture problem. I tried to load the dll on the
network by [void][Reflection.Assembly]::LoadFile($log4netDllPathString) .  I
did not try to re-configure PowerShell execution by global config file. But
I did change the load call to [void][Reflection.Assembly]::


Liebe Grüsse/Cordialement/Cordialità


Thiemo Kellner



Office fédéral de la statistique 
Espace de l'Europe 10 
2010 Neuchâtel / Suisse


Tel     +41 32 71 36516


Von: <>
Gesendet: Freitag, 27. Februar 2015 14:45
An: <>

Betreff: AW: 64bit problem?


Thanks for the hint. I also found this configuration at


However, I would prefer not to change the PowerShell behavior in general.
I’d rather to tweak a runtime setup. I am still investigation on that. I
will let you know the outcome.


Liebe Grüsse/Cordialement/Cordialità


Thiemo Kellner



Office fédéral de la statistique 
Espace de l'Europe 10 
2010 Neuchâtel / Suisse


Tel     +41 32 71 36516


Von: Anthony Francisco [] 
Gesendet: Freitag, 27. Februar 2015 14:40
An: 'Log4NET User'
Betreff: RE: 64bit problem?


Older versions of .NET made it hard to load assemblies from the network.
It’s much easier with .NET 4 and up by using the <loadFromRemoveSources>
configuration element.



See also:


So what this means is that you’ll need to update your powershell
configuration file. It sounds like you might not have privileges to do that
considering that you don’t have privileges to put log4net and other
assemblies on the local machine.


-          Ants


From: Dominik Psenner [] 
Sent: Friday, 27 February, 2015 03:48
To: 'Log4NET User'
Subject: AW: 64bit problem?


It might be a security issue then.


For instance, loading a dll from a network share is (from the operating
systems point of view) a dangerous operation. When I try to open a zip file
on my computer which is located on a NAS that “lives” outside of the network
domain windows requires me to confirm 3 times a error message dialog at me
stating “Windows cannot open the folder. The compressed zipped folder is
invalid.”, but then it opens up just fine.


Yes, windows is like that..


Von: <>
Gesendet: Freitag, 27. Februar 2015 08:42
An: <>

Betreff: AW: 64bit problem?


I am affraid, the dll file is there. Following code snipped should make sure
it is before trying to load the dll 


      if (-not (Test-Path -Path $log4netDllPathString)) {


                  'I cannot find the logging library at "' +

                  $log4netDllPathString + '"')

            exit 1





and I actually can see the file with



Volume in drive I is WA-REF$

Volume Serial Number is 2702-33EF


Directory of


18.11.2013  04:51           301'056 log4net.dll

               1 File(s)        301'056 bytes

               0 Dir(s)  137'992'851'456 bytes free


I cannot put the library elsewhere.


Maybe there is an issue because it is a network drive but I would not know
why it would work on my own laptop then.

Liebe Grüsse/Cordialement/Cordialità


Thiemo Kellner



Office fédéral de la statistique 
Espace de l'Europe 10 
2010 Neuchâtel / Suisse


Tel     +41 32 71 36516


Von: Radovan Raszka [] 
Gesendet: Freitag, 27. Februar 2015 07:54
An: 'Log4NET User'
Betreff: RE: 64bit problem?


It looks like powershell can’t find where log4net.dll is located. As log4net
is platform neutral (compiled as any CPU), I don’t think 32 x 64 bit OS is

Where you have log4net.dll installed? Probably is good idea to put it into

Or put it into folder where powershell is installed. Key is to find where
powershell tried to find log4net.dll – is it possible to discover this info?



From: <>
Sent: Thursday, February 26, 2015 4:19 PM
To: <>

Subject: AW: 64bit problem?


Assuming that on either system the most resent framework gets loaded, on
both systems 4.0.30319 is used. However, on the server there are both
flavours, 32 and 64 bit. I do not know which one is loaded.


I forgot to mention that we use log4net 1.2.13, in case this makes a
difference. The powershell version on the server is 3, on the laptop it is


Liebe Grüsse/Cordialement/Cordialità


Thiemo Kellner



Office fédéral de la statistique 
Espace de l'Europe 10 
2010 Neuchâtel / Suisse


Tel     +41 32 71 36516


Von: Dominik Psenner [] 
Gesendet: Donnerstag, 26. Februar 2015 15:40
An: 'Log4NET User'
Betreff: AW: 64bit problem?


To be honest, the error message is rather cryptic to me. What I know is that
log4net is not compiled against a specific architecture. If the targeted
.NET framework is installed it should work. Have you checked that?


Von:  <> [
Gesendet: Donnerstag, 26. Februar 2015 13:48
An: <>

Betreff: AW: 64bit problem?


I found . Maybe there is a


Liebe Grüsse/Cordialement/Cordialità


Thiemo Kellner



Office fédéral de la statistique 
Espace de l'Europe 10 
2010 Neuchâtel / Suisse


Tel     +41 32 71 36516


Von: <>
Gesendet: Donnerstag, 26. Februar 2015 13:36
An: <>

Betreff: 64bit problem?


Hi all


I am at my wits’ end. We developped PowerShell script which uses log4net. I
can run the script successfully from a batch file on my laptop but on the
server I get


Attempting to perform the InitializeDefaultDrives operation on the

provider failed.

I:\WA_ANALYSE\AAA_INFA_CORE\Scripts\metadata_join_params-thiemo.ps1 :

Exception calling "LoadFile" with "1" argument(s): "The parameter is

incorrect. (Exception from HRESULT: 0x80070057 (E_INVALIDARG))"

At line:1 char:1

+ I:\WA_ANALYSE\AAA_INFA_CORE\Scripts\metadata_join_params-thiemo.ps1

-stat_activi ...



    + CategoryInfo          : NotSpecified: (:) [Write-Error],


    + FullyQualifiedErrorId :




I found
-dll which points to a possible problem with mixing 32 dlls in 64 bit
PowerShell. As my laptop is 32 and the server 64 bit, I was wondering if
this might cause the problem. At least I could pin the line of code where
the exception gets thrown:


Has anyone an idea?


Liebe Grüsse/Cordialement/Cordialità


Thiemo Kellner



Office fédéral de la statistique 
Espace de l'Europe 10 
2010 Neuchâtel / Suisse


Tel     +41 32 71 36516


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