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-------- Original message --------
From: Piers Williams
Date:13/10/2015 01:48 (GMT+02:00)
To: Log4NET User
Subject: RE: unintended usage of the same configuration file


The AdoNetAppender is *already* a buffering appender, with a default batch size of (I think) 100 for performance reasons as you suggest (both for the sake of your app and the poor database server).

Buffering does mean however that if your app tanks you probably lose the log message that let you know why, hence again value of (synchronous) file logging.

On 12 Oct 2015 10:47 pm, "Nicholas Duane" <nic...@msn.com <mailto:nic...@msn.com>> wrote:

    I would agree that file based logging it core.  I would probably
    not want my web application logging to a database, for sure not
    each log statement. If there was some buffering in between which
    batched the logs and then sent every once in a while to the DB
    that would seem better, to me at least.  If I needed the logs in a
    database I would still probably write to a local file and then
    figure a way to get the files to a central location where they
    could be loaded into the database.

    To: dpsen...@gmail.com <mailto:dpsen...@gmail.com>;
    From: piers.willi...@gmail.com <mailto:piers.willi...@gmail.com>
    Subject: RE: unintended usage of the same configuration file
    Date: Sun, 11 Oct 2015 22:27:44 +0800

    Dominic: I’m afraid I don’t agree with any of what you said. File
    based logging is a critical part of any instrumentation strategy –
    it’s way faster than logging to a (typically remote) database, and
    gives you somewhere to log the errors when the database is down.
    That’s assuming you have a database at all of course – not all web
    applications even have one (though I’d concede that’s rare).

    It’s true that web applications will typically have limited
    /write/ access to local disks, and that’s entirely appropriate,
    but they always have some write permissions /somewhere/ – even if
    it’s only to Temp. Establishing a location with write permissions
    for logs hardly entails ‘punching holes in permissions’.

    Finally, as best I can tell, none of this is relevant to the OP’s
    actual issue, which would be just the same whether he was logging
    to file or to database, because it’s a /configuration /issue.

    *From: *Dominik Psenner
    *Sent: *Sunday, 11 October 2015 2:35 PM
    *To: *Log4NET User
    *Subject: *Re: unintended usage of the same configuration file

    The concept behind how web applications work makes it hard to use
    file appenders. A web application should not access a filesystem
    directly and punching holes into permissions may not be advisable.
    If i had to work out a web app i would log to the database that
    the web application will require anyway.

    On 11 Oct 2015 4:26 a.m., "tasos" <tas...@gmail.com
    <mailto:tas...@gmail.com>> wrote:

        I'm working on a .net application and i have used this
        There is a project on which i have added in the assemblyinfo.cs
        [assembly: log4net.Config.XmlConfigurator(ConfigFile =
        "foo1.config", Watch = true)]
        and in another one(different assembly)
        [assembly: log4net.Config.XmlConfigurator(ConfigFile =
        "foo2.config", Watch = true)]
        My configurations are like this http://pastebin.com/UpSpwMHH
        except the different output filenames
        (<param name="File" value="foofilename.log"/> )
        The problem is that the assembly that uses foo1.config writes
        on the output
        file of the file that is configured in foo2.config.
        In each class i use log4net i declare as the guidance
        site(mentioned above) says:

        |private static readonly ILog Log =


        |Thank you in advance for your help!|

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