From: Jonathan Swartz <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: appender/dispatcher that writes to per-category files
Date: Thu, 1 Nov 2007 17:00:36 -0700

I'd like to write simultaneously to a central log file, and to a
separate log file for each category. e.g. A log to category Foo.Bar
would go to app.log and Foo.Bar.log. I want to do this automatically
rather than having to configure each category separately.

Before I set out to create this, I was curious if anyone else has
done this and has advice, or if there is an existing appender/
dispatcher that does this (couldn't find anything on cpan).

Seems like one of the potential problems will be reaching a maximum
number of open file handles, given the large number of possible
categories. So I might have to maintain a "cache" of open
filehandles, closing old ones as needed when reaching a limit.

Feedback appreciated.

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