On Sat, May 09, 2009 at 12:12:28AM -0700, Mike Schilli wrote:
> On Fri, 8 May 2009, Seth Daniel wrote:
>> The reason for this is that I have a number of existing programs that
>> use Log4perl for most logging, but some very specific logging does not
>> use Log4perl.  I need to be able to use a single signal to tell both
>> Log4perl and the other log code to check its configuration and/or
>> rewrite the log file for log rotation.
> You could use something like
>     $SIG{USR2} = sub {
>         kill 'USR1', $$;
>         # ... now trigger your other logging system ...
>     };
>     Log::Log4perl->init_and_watch("l4p.conf", 'USR1');
> which uses a user-defined signal handler listening to USR2. You can
> add whatever other logic you need to it. When triggered, it also forwards
> the signal to Log4perl's signal handler, which listens to USR1.
> Good enough?

I was hoping for a solution that didn't burn two signals.  I'm already
using the most obvious signals: HUP, USR1, USR2, KILL, QUIT, etc...  so
I'm not exactly overflowing with extra signals. :o)

seth /\ sethdaniel.org

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