I'm not entirely sure, but I think there may be something wrong with
logdie() and company, specifically the manner in which it reports where
the death occurred.  I wrote the following little program:

use lib '/ccrun/perl/3rdparty/lib';
use Log::Log4perl;

Log::Log4perl->init(\ qq{
  log4perl.category.Bar.Twix = DEBUG, Screen
  log4perl.appender.Screen = Log::Log4perl::Appender::Screen
  log4perl.appender.Screen.layout = SimpleLayout

my $logger = Log::Log4perl::get_logger ();

sub my_sub
  $logger->logdie ("my die message without newline");

my_sub ();

And the output is:

my die message without newline at
/ccrun/perl/3rdparty/lib/Log/Log4perl/Logger.pm line 884

I think it should have outputted my my source file name and line number,
not Logger.pm's.  I am using the 1.28 release of Log4perl and running
under Perl 5.8.8.

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