Martin, see 'perldoc Log4perl::Appender::File

The file appender typically creates its logfile in its constructor, i.e. 
at Log4perl "init()" time. This
is desirable for most use cases, because it makes sure that file 
permission problems get detected right
away, and not after days/weeks/months of operation when the appender 
suddenly needs to log something and
fails because of a problem that was obvious at startup.

However, there are rare use cases where the file shouldn’t be created at 
Log4perl "init()" time, e.g. if
the appender can’t be used by the current user although it is defined in 
the configuration file. If you
set "create_at_logtime" to a true value, the file appender will try to 
create the file at log time. Note
that this setting lets permission problems sit undetected until log 
time, which might be undesirable.

Martin J. Evans wrote:
> Hi,
> I have a number of daemon processes using Log::Log4perl and tens of
> modules shared between them also using Log::Log4perl. All the log4perl
> configuration is in a single file for convenience (as most modules in it
> are common). Each perl module has its own log entry and logs to a
> different file. The problem is there are ALOT of different log files
> defined and Log4perl seems to open every file mentioned in the config
> file even though only a handful might be used. e.g.,
> config:
> log4perl.logger.XXX.module1 = INFO, MONE
> log4perl.appender.MONE=Log::Dispatch::File
> log4perl.appender.MONE.filename=/tmp/file1.log
> log4perl.logger.XXX.module2 = INFO, MTWO
> log4perl.appender.MTWO=Log::Dispatch::File
> log4perl.appender.MTWO.filename=/tmp/file2.log
> .
> .
> .
> etc
> and daemon1 uses module XXX::module1 but not XXX.module2, the
> /tmp/file2.log is opened in daemon1 even though it is never going to be
> logged to. This is rather annoying since it is using up my open file
> descriptors etc.
> Using lsof on a single daemon shows dozens of log files open even though
> there is NO chance it will log anything to them.
> Is there any way to stop this?
> Thanks.
> Martin

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