On Tue, 6 Jul 2010, Foudil wrote:

> In order to log to a tmp directory (that we want to remove later), we
> create an appender in a script that we add to our project's loggers:
> Log::Log4perl->init_and_watch($path_conf."/log.conf", 'HUP');

Hi Foudil,

sorry for the long wait. I've noticed that you're using init_and_watch()
along with user-defined appenders. Just a heads-up that this can lead to
unpredictable situations: Whenever Log4perl/init_and_watch() notices
that it needs to reload the configuration file (because it has changed),
you'll lose the temporary appender, because the Log4perl configuration
will be overwritten.

Even if you don't need the appender permanently, it makes sense to have
it in the configuration, if only for reasons of clarity.

>    Log::Log4perl->eradicate_appender($local_appender_name);
>    # ...but the appender is still alive and keeps filehandles open. So we need
>    #  to close them explicitly.

The eradicate_appender() method should take are of the issue in this
situation. Only exception: if still have references to the appender 
anywhere in your application code, the appender destructor won't run and
you need to run file_close() manually.

Hope that helps!

-- Mike

Mike Schilli

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