Log4perl enthusiasts,

Log::Log4perl 1.30 just made it to CPAN. This maintenance release
contains the following fixes:

1.30 (2010/08/30)

   *    (ms) [RT 60665] HUP handlers are stacked on top of each other
        now, to make sure that multiple file appenders recreate
        multiple files and not just one (patch provided by Karen

   *    (ms) [RT 60197] Fixed uninitialized value warnings with the
        multiline appender and provided a test case (patch provided by
        Karen Etheridge)

   *    (ms) [rt.cpan.org #59617] Fixed system-wide threshold without
        appender thresholds. Bug reported by Dmitry Bigunyak.

   *    (ms) [rt.cpan.org #24884] Using require() instead of
        incomplete logic in L4p::Util::module_available(). local
        __DIE__ handler takes care of user-defined __DIE__ handlers
        ignoring $^S (suggested by Eric Wilhelm and others).

   *    (ms) [rt.cpan.org #60386] Fixed init_and_watch() which double-
        bumped the caller_level and led to uninitialized values in the
        pattern layout. Thanks to Mitja Bartsch for the report.

   *    (ms) Applied patch by Karsten Silkenbäumer to add an optional
        $log_dispatch_level to create_custom_level(). Updated

Thanks to all contributors!

-- Mike

Mike Schilli
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