There was an earlier email about the uninitialized value warning:

Use of uninitialized value in join or string at
/usr/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.8.8/Log/Log4perl/ line 187, <DICT>
line 479623.

I am using mod-perl with apache and Log4perl version 1.31

I have tried to turn warnings off for my production environment via

PerlWarn Off

in my apache conf file, but I am still getting the warnings from
Log4perl::Appender sent to my Apache error log. uses "use warnings" and I suspect that it is over-riding my
global PerlWarn

I can eliminate the error by commenting the use warnings out of the file, but I am loathe to push a modified module to our

Is there a config that I can use to turn warnings off? There is a fix for
the Wide character in print warning, but that is more about enabling UTF8
than disabling warnings.

It wouldn't be too bad, but I can't tell which log message is causing the
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