On Wed, 18 Apr 2012, Martin J. Evans wrote:

> panic: sv_setpvn called with negative strlen at 
> /home/perlbrew//perls/perl-5.14.2/lib/site_perl/5.14.2/Log/Log4perl/Layout/PatternLayout.pm
>  line 358.

This looks like a bug in perl, not Log4perl. Since Log4perl is pure
Perl, there should never be a panic situation, except if there's a bug
in perl itself.

You might want to write up a reproducable script, and file a bug with
perl via perlbug (which adds your complete perl -V build information for

-- Mike

Mike Schilli

> That line in my distribution is:
> ##################################################
> sub shrink_category {
> ##################################################
>     my($category, $len) = @_;
>     my @components = split /\.|::/, $category;     # <-------------- here
>     if(@components > $len) {
>         splice @components, 0, @components - $len;
>         $category = join '.', @components;
>     }
>     return $category;
> }
> perl -MLog::Log4perl -le 'print $Log::Log4perl::VERSION;'
> 1.36
> This is Perl 5.14.2 on Linux 32 bit machine built as default via perlbrew.
> Any ideas.
> Martin

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